Annual Youth and Young Adult Explosion
The Youth and Young Adult Explosion (YYAE) has been held annually since 2003. It began with three young people fasting and praying for revival. After some years of seeking the Lord, He led them to begin holding revival services in Cuero. YYAE is where people of all ages come to experience this Spirit-filled event. Each year there are many testimonies of how the Lord saved, healed, and delivered many from the the hand of the enemy. To God be the glory for for young lives that are transformed through the power of the Holy Ghost!
San Antonio City and Other Outreach Ministries
New Testament Holiness Church began an outreach ministry in downtown San Antonio, primarily in the city's public parks. Through the leading of the Holy Ghost, various members venture out during the spring, summer, and fall months to reach lost souls. The Lord moves in each service because the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached to people of all walks of life. Many are saved, healed, and delivered from the shackles of Satan as Jesus is lifted up.